Commander League Rules

$10 entry fee per week

Pods of 4 players

2 75-minute rounds



Attendance: +1 point 

Player eliminations: +1 point each
-Excludes effects that say "you win the game”

Win: +2 points; -1 point if Commander was not played at least once

Draw: +1 point to each remaining player

Turn 7: -2 points, if you win before your own turn 7 you will lose 2 points

Extra turns: -1 point for each consecutive extra turn taken beyond the first (1 extra is allowed without penalty)

Extra combat steps: -1 point for each consecutive extra combat taken beyond the second 

Infinite and “functionally infinite” combos*: -1 point for each activation or trigger after the 10th in a single turn cycle

-If the loop is not reasonably able to be interrupted, you instead lose 2 points
-If the uninterruptible effect in question or its byproducts do not eliminate all opponents, you instead lose the game as a state-based action and lose 5 points
*A demonstrated set of contiguous effects that may or must be infinitely repeated while producing some “net” byproduct as a result of the repetition.

At no point can a player directly cause another player to lose points for any reason.


If a round goes to time, the number of additional turns played in a pod is determined by the number of remaining players:

  • If 3 or more players remain, play additional turns equal to the number of remaining players.

  • If 2 players remain, play 3 additional turns.

Players are responsible for tracking their own points during play using the provided score sheets. At the end of each round, score sheets are passed clockwise for an opponent to verify and initial, then collected by a judge/organizer.


Players may concede only at sorcery speed. At the conclusion of the round, pod winners get one additional elimination point for any player who conceded in their respective pod.

Players may not switch decks or make any edits to their deck during the event unless asked to do so by a judge/tournament organizer.


In addition to the official Commander banned list, we have banned and/or limited certain combos and strategies that we believe to run counter to the spirit of the Commander format, or would just make games run too long for effective tournament play.

-Thassa’s Oracle
-Winter Orb


Unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind will not be tolerated and may result in penalty or disqualification at the discretion of judges/tournament organizers.

Such conduct includes, but is not limited to:

-attempting to circumvent rules

-playing decks that allow little to no interaction by opponents

-colluding with other players outside of the game

-inappropriate handling of other players’ cards


Our ability to host a commander league leans heavily on our trust in our players to create a safe and enjoyable environment. Please be reasonable and hold yourself and your fellow players accountable.